09 December 2014


Photo by Shaunna

I currently have this overwhelming need to completely change my blog layout but let's set that aside as it is irrelevant to the purpose of my comeback.

I would like to apologize for my three month-long hiatus; I did not volunteer to be buried in school work but I don't mind. I can say I've learned a thing or two about handling certain situations. 'Don't be selfish' is one of them.

On another note, I started watching a few films (All thanks to Shaunna and Jess). I have grown to love Wes Anderson's films, namely The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (a bit boring but I really liked the ending), and Fantastic Mr. Fox (my favorite alongside The Grand Budapest Hotel which is just amazing). I've also recently decided to discover Audrey Hepburn who, I must say, I consider as one of the most beautiful women in the world. I have only seen Breakfast at Tiffany's and Sabrina but I have a few more weeks or so before the second semester starts so I still have time to watch some of her other films.

I have also gotten myself to watch this webseries called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It was the best thing that I have ever done as I consider myself a fan of Pride and Prejudice. It was literally a struggle at night as I had mental arguments with myself regarding if I should continue on with the next episode or sleep.

As for TV series (I cannot not bring this up), I added How To Get Away With Murder into my list and I am currently crying over The Legend of Korra because I decided to get back into it since I never got myself to watch it after book 1. It only took me a few days to reach book 4 and I now regret everything for the pain that I have inflicted on myself.

It is now evident in the statements that I have said above that I spent most of my free days in my room, just locked up with movies and shows. The stressed-out me loved the idea of it--that my life revolved around films and TV series.

Photography-wise, I haven't done anything flickr-worthy in three months. The lack of inspiration left my flustered. Hence, the lonely binge-film watching sessions.

But on most days, I was focused on school and projects. Our finals period could be greatly attributed to stress season--it mainly consisted of casual panic modes and uncontrollable waterworks (I still can't explain why I cried that one time)--but I, and pretty sure the rest of my classmates, am glad that everything's over.

For now, here are some film photos from January. (Super late, I know) (Also, when I got these developed, I found out that I couldn't use our film camera anymore because a.) the lens won't work anymore, and b.) it produced blurry photos, which resulted to an upset Monica.)

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